yesterday was my 21st birthday.
did you know?
well, nothing special happened,
all the people i love and wanted to spend the day with,
well, they are just not here,
they are busy going about their lives,
so i too treated it as a normal day.
alhamdulilah, i'm given another year to reflect on His blessings,
and still working toward loving Him the way He should be.
there were a few skype calls, a few texts, a few phone calls,
town friends also dropped by,
now i'm busy replying to all the Facebook comments.
but, there's one thing that still bothers me.
where are you?
i just really wanted to tell you how my day went.
oh btw, my little sister made a homemade birthday card for me,
and ayah and ibu and adik2 signed it.
too bad, mailing things from home is expensive,
but they emailed me pictures of it.
when you get the chance to, give me a buzz.
my number hasn't change, my facebook is still active,
my email is checked everyday.
don't forget, one day, we will see the future,
like we never expected it to be.
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