only the heart knows

In His name, the All-Knowing, the Protector.

This was not written by me, but by someone who believed that writing takes talent -- until writing was given a chance. This comes to show that when you let your heart do the thinking/expressing and your fingers merely recording it down, only true feelings come out, nothing more, nothing less -- sometime in ways that not even you can understand.

May you be blessed with a pure heart and many happiness.


I made a request from Distance
Begging and appealing
Do not set us apart in our heart and make us strong
Whenever we are thousand miles away
No worries, Dear.
Distance is merely a measurement between finite points.
It will never reach to measure Love.

Along the journey to see Distance,
I bumped into a small-yet-cuddly shaped object, on my right.
I interpreted your name is on it, permanently and nicely carved.
Ooo Lord. I’ve been missing this for years. There you are, Heart.
In Heart, I found You
In You, I rekindled happiness and sincerity.
In sincerity, I witnessed Love.

I praised Allah for guiding me throughout the journey,
I asked Allah for Distance to be mercy on us,
I asked Him to protect Heart, coz Heart has You and Me
I asked Allah to bestow upon us Love, because from Love, we have everything.

-"macha", July 2010- 

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