meow, meow, meow

in His name, most Gracious, most Merciful, and peace be upon you.

if you know me, you know how much my family means to me -- the world, universe, and the galaxies, and much bigger! i could spend ten blog entries and much more if i just wrote about them... but i don't want to fill this entry with words. let's spice things up with some colors.

this entry is about family, a four-legged family members, our cats :)

meet awekz!

she's gonna be a momma soon.
all she does now is sleeps anywhere she can, eat, and uses the restroom. 
not as playful -- almost due soon. 
but such a good girl.
when ibu calls her home, she comes home.
she listens,
 and learns when she gets scolded for scratching the sofa :)

meet minah!

she also likes to sleep a lot.
very clingy and an attention seeker. 

but we don't mind because she was a strayed cat,
an albino, with a siamese face, and blue eyes.
she likes to smell and clean other cats.
makes awekz mad -- when she steals her sleeping place.
very naughty and overly playful :)

meet perry!

he doesn't have a home.
comes in from the kitchen door from time to time when he is hungry.
likes only momo, scared of everyone else -- particularly the guys.

we call him perry, short for "parasite".
my parents misses all their guests that declares 
themselves "parasites" of the house -- because they eat, sleep, 
showers like it's their own house.

he's a good boy.
makes annoying noises when he wants attentions,
and rubs all over the ground.
he has a big and sturdy head.
i think he's a handsome cat :)

In conclusion, truly am blessed with parents who also love cats and do not mind all the craziness having pets bring along.

"Whosever desires to have expansion in his sustenance and a prolonged life, should treat his family with kindness." -Muhammad s.a.w. (as related by Bukhari & Muslim)

a prayer

In His name, the All-Hearer, the All-Knowing.

I ask Allah to bless you wherever you are and to make you from those who, when given, are thankful, when tested are patient, and when sinful seek forgiveness. For certainly, these are the three signs of happiness.


(Shaykh Muhammad ibn `Abdul-Wahab)


in His name and peace be upon you.

i wish that you were here with me,
but we're stuck where we are,
and it's so hard,
you're so far.


only the heart knows

In His name, the All-Knowing, the Protector.

This was not written by me, but by someone who believed that writing takes talent -- until writing was given a chance. This comes to show that when you let your heart do the thinking/expressing and your fingers merely recording it down, only true feelings come out, nothing more, nothing less -- sometime in ways that not even you can understand.

May you be blessed with a pure heart and many happiness.


I made a request from Distance
Begging and appealing
Do not set us apart in our heart and make us strong
Whenever we are thousand miles away
No worries, Dear.
Distance is merely a measurement between finite points.
It will never reach to measure Love.

Along the journey to see Distance,
I bumped into a small-yet-cuddly shaped object, on my right.
I interpreted your name is on it, permanently and nicely carved.
Ooo Lord. I’ve been missing this for years. There you are, Heart.
In Heart, I found You
In You, I rekindled happiness and sincerity.
In sincerity, I witnessed Love.

I praised Allah for guiding me throughout the journey,
I asked Allah for Distance to be mercy on us,
I asked Him to protect Heart, coz Heart has You and Me
I asked Allah to bestow upon us Love, because from Love, we have everything.

-"macha", July 2010- 

one thought


sometime thoughts wander,
sailing beyond the ocean wide,
lost within the thick forest,

and lately,
thoughts are still,
only going to places of your name,
and stuck on,
everything we are meant to be.

"Loves don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along." -Rumi

A Geek

In His name, the All-Knowing, the All-Mighty.

Yes, a geek-ie side of me is to be revealed. I was searching through some of my old files I have saved/uploaded online and look what I found.... a geek that was within me that I totally forgot about! Before I discovered the beauty of seeing through a lens, I attempted at designing work using various editing programs like Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Element. I had talented friends who helped me out and nailed my work until I was satisfied with my own work, so shout out to them! Thanks yo!

Well don't be too harsh on them if you are looking at it closely, I know they suck :-) Just wanted to post them somewhere I know rather than at random file-saving websites.

Tada! Just a few that I found. Now that you have met my geek-ie side, I hope you look forward to meeting my nerdy side. Just kidding! That's it for now. Thanks for dropping by and God bless.


"Remember God in prosperity, and He will remember you in adversity." -Prophet Muhammad (saw)


in His name, the Protector, the Sustainer.

do you think about your mother/sister/wife/girlfriend when you look at a girl walking by herself and woo at her?

do you think about your father/brother/husband/boyfriend when you flirtatiously smile at another guy?

how protective will you get if this happened to the lady in your life?

how jealous will you get if he acknowledges her smile?

respect others from your horrible thoughts and disturbing actions. and you will find yourself respected by others. a little friend called karma can be your worse enemy.

"look before you leap." -Mrs. Stuck (a teacher's advise to her fifth grade students)

Teman Sejati- Brothers

...a prayer of hers while it is a song for others.



in His name, most Loving, most Gracious.

happy birthday cinta.
a prayer for you always when she raises her hands to Him,
catching all the blessings,
a kiss for you will be sent in a box wrapped in shinny paper sealed with a bow,
with her name written as the return address just in case it doesn't find its way to you.
happy birthday cinta.
a wish for you to stay healthy to care for her,
be strong emotionally, physically, and mentally.
a hug for you that is so tight 'til the curve of her body leaves an indentation,
like a puzzle piece when you are afar.
happy birthday cinta.

hear it.

Can't you hear it?...
...When you love someone, you say their name different.
Like it's safe inside your mouth.


a reminder

in His name, most Gracious, most High.

"it's rezk and it wasn't ours to begin with (talking about money and his years in college w/ a wife and a child)."

-uncle zainiy

Awal Muharram

in His name, most Gracious, most Merciful.

today (december 7, 2010) is the so called "new year" of Hijrah.

as we say shukran jazillan to 1431H, we shall approach 1432H with a prayer that this Hijrah year will bring us all even closer to Allah and His beloved prophets.

my "azam tahun baru" are:
- to thank Him always and more often
- simply to continue to love unconditionally and for the sake Him
- for my own sake and a promise that i must keep, adding vegetables to the lunch and dinner plate.

ayah knows how to eat.
clearly, this is not my plate of rice... =_=  

semoga tahun hijrah baru ini penuh dgn rahmat. amiin.

Forget Not

where ever i end up,
whoever i become,
i pray that i do not forget who i am,
my families,
my teachers,
my friends,
and most importantly Him.

"budi bahasa, budaya kita"

When It's Just Us.

All praise is due to Him.

Walk on the path of clay,
Let's make it between us and the Earth.
Together breathing in the air,
Forgetting all the calamities we have to endure,
Thanking for all the blessing we were given.

Spread the blanket over the grass,
Let's have a cup of tea,
Together talking about all the dreams we have,
Forgetting all the troubles we may stumble upon,
Thanking for all the lights that leads us to the Straight Path.

FRIM @Kepong, Malaysia