meow, meow, meow

in His name, most Gracious, most Merciful, and peace be upon you.

if you know me, you know how much my family means to me -- the world, universe, and the galaxies, and much bigger! i could spend ten blog entries and much more if i just wrote about them... but i don't want to fill this entry with words. let's spice things up with some colors.

this entry is about family, a four-legged family members, our cats :)

meet awekz!

she's gonna be a momma soon.
all she does now is sleeps anywhere she can, eat, and uses the restroom. 
not as playful -- almost due soon. 
but such a good girl.
when ibu calls her home, she comes home.
she listens,
 and learns when she gets scolded for scratching the sofa :)

meet minah!

she also likes to sleep a lot.
very clingy and an attention seeker. 

but we don't mind because she was a strayed cat,
an albino, with a siamese face, and blue eyes.
she likes to smell and clean other cats.
makes awekz mad -- when she steals her sleeping place.
very naughty and overly playful :)

meet perry!

he doesn't have a home.
comes in from the kitchen door from time to time when he is hungry.
likes only momo, scared of everyone else -- particularly the guys.

we call him perry, short for "parasite".
my parents misses all their guests that declares 
themselves "parasites" of the house -- because they eat, sleep, 
showers like it's their own house.

he's a good boy.
makes annoying noises when he wants attentions,
and rubs all over the ground.
he has a big and sturdy head.
i think he's a handsome cat :)

In conclusion, truly am blessed with parents who also love cats and do not mind all the craziness having pets bring along.

"Whosever desires to have expansion in his sustenance and a prolonged life, should treat his family with kindness." -Muhammad s.a.w. (as related by Bukhari & Muslim)

a prayer

In His name, the All-Hearer, the All-Knowing.

I ask Allah to bless you wherever you are and to make you from those who, when given, are thankful, when tested are patient, and when sinful seek forgiveness. For certainly, these are the three signs of happiness.


(Shaykh Muhammad ibn `Abdul-Wahab)


in His name and peace be upon you.

i wish that you were here with me,
but we're stuck where we are,
and it's so hard,
you're so far.


only the heart knows

In His name, the All-Knowing, the Protector.

This was not written by me, but by someone who believed that writing takes talent -- until writing was given a chance. This comes to show that when you let your heart do the thinking/expressing and your fingers merely recording it down, only true feelings come out, nothing more, nothing less -- sometime in ways that not even you can understand.

May you be blessed with a pure heart and many happiness.


I made a request from Distance
Begging and appealing
Do not set us apart in our heart and make us strong
Whenever we are thousand miles away
No worries, Dear.
Distance is merely a measurement between finite points.
It will never reach to measure Love.

Along the journey to see Distance,
I bumped into a small-yet-cuddly shaped object, on my right.
I interpreted your name is on it, permanently and nicely carved.
Ooo Lord. I’ve been missing this for years. There you are, Heart.
In Heart, I found You
In You, I rekindled happiness and sincerity.
In sincerity, I witnessed Love.

I praised Allah for guiding me throughout the journey,
I asked Allah for Distance to be mercy on us,
I asked Him to protect Heart, coz Heart has You and Me
I asked Allah to bestow upon us Love, because from Love, we have everything.

-"macha", July 2010- 

one thought


sometime thoughts wander,
sailing beyond the ocean wide,
lost within the thick forest,

and lately,
thoughts are still,
only going to places of your name,
and stuck on,
everything we are meant to be.

"Loves don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along." -Rumi

A Geek

In His name, the All-Knowing, the All-Mighty.

Yes, a geek-ie side of me is to be revealed. I was searching through some of my old files I have saved/uploaded online and look what I found.... a geek that was within me that I totally forgot about! Before I discovered the beauty of seeing through a lens, I attempted at designing work using various editing programs like Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Element. I had talented friends who helped me out and nailed my work until I was satisfied with my own work, so shout out to them! Thanks yo!

Well don't be too harsh on them if you are looking at it closely, I know they suck :-) Just wanted to post them somewhere I know rather than at random file-saving websites.

Tada! Just a few that I found. Now that you have met my geek-ie side, I hope you look forward to meeting my nerdy side. Just kidding! That's it for now. Thanks for dropping by and God bless.


"Remember God in prosperity, and He will remember you in adversity." -Prophet Muhammad (saw)


in His name, the Protector, the Sustainer.

do you think about your mother/sister/wife/girlfriend when you look at a girl walking by herself and woo at her?

do you think about your father/brother/husband/boyfriend when you flirtatiously smile at another guy?

how protective will you get if this happened to the lady in your life?

how jealous will you get if he acknowledges her smile?

respect others from your horrible thoughts and disturbing actions. and you will find yourself respected by others. a little friend called karma can be your worse enemy.

"look before you leap." -Mrs. Stuck (a teacher's advise to her fifth grade students)

Teman Sejati- Brothers

...a prayer of hers while it is a song for others.



in His name, most Loving, most Gracious.

happy birthday cinta.
a prayer for you always when she raises her hands to Him,
catching all the blessings,
a kiss for you will be sent in a box wrapped in shinny paper sealed with a bow,
with her name written as the return address just in case it doesn't find its way to you.
happy birthday cinta.
a wish for you to stay healthy to care for her,
be strong emotionally, physically, and mentally.
a hug for you that is so tight 'til the curve of her body leaves an indentation,
like a puzzle piece when you are afar.
happy birthday cinta.

hear it.

Can't you hear it?...
...When you love someone, you say their name different.
Like it's safe inside your mouth.


a reminder

in His name, most Gracious, most High.

"it's rezk and it wasn't ours to begin with (talking about money and his years in college w/ a wife and a child)."

-uncle zainiy

Awal Muharram

in His name, most Gracious, most Merciful.

today (december 7, 2010) is the so called "new year" of Hijrah.

as we say shukran jazillan to 1431H, we shall approach 1432H with a prayer that this Hijrah year will bring us all even closer to Allah and His beloved prophets.

my "azam tahun baru" are:
- to thank Him always and more often
- simply to continue to love unconditionally and for the sake Him
- for my own sake and a promise that i must keep, adding vegetables to the lunch and dinner plate.

ayah knows how to eat.
clearly, this is not my plate of rice... =_=  

semoga tahun hijrah baru ini penuh dgn rahmat. amiin.

Forget Not

where ever i end up,
whoever i become,
i pray that i do not forget who i am,
my families,
my teachers,
my friends,
and most importantly Him.

"budi bahasa, budaya kita"

When It's Just Us.

All praise is due to Him.

Walk on the path of clay,
Let's make it between us and the Earth.
Together breathing in the air,
Forgetting all the calamities we have to endure,
Thanking for all the blessing we were given.

Spread the blanket over the grass,
Let's have a cup of tea,
Together talking about all the dreams we have,
Forgetting all the troubles we may stumble upon,
Thanking for all the lights that leads us to the Straight Path.

FRIM @Kepong, Malaysia

one day, three autumns


seasons come, seasons go.
in your arms, 
she tightly awaits,
for every one day apart,
is like three autumns have passed by.

a place

in His name, most Gracious, most High

take me back to the place,
where the sounds of the city is replaced,
by the sound of the serenading ocean.
a place where the bare feet meets the world,
and the granulated sand sifts through the toes.
take me back to the place,
where all thoughts become a feeling,
of deep love, untouchable by anything else.
for no matter where that place is,
and how far a part the place makes of us,
he is always in the thoughts that brings about this feeling.

"Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valley low enough, ain't no river wide enough, to keep me from getting to you, babe." -Marvin Gaye

medical checkup

in His name and peace be upon you.

after many days of being surrounded by tall buildings and busy roads, i finally found myself surrounded by nothing except for the sand and sounds of the gushing ocean waves. i took a breather from all the worries and busyness that i've allowed myself to be overwhelmed with. alhamdulilah, because of a medical check up, the wheels of the car and the car mileage found itself a few hundred kilometer further and to spend time with the family, away from these things, is a blessings only my heart knows how to appreciate.


so, i assure you that my feet aren't different sizes. haha. 

Bokeh! (thoughts of you #2)

In His name, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Thought that this blog could use some color... or maybe a picture.

Not a great quality once uploaded :(
The colors you put on her smiles,
Bright and wide,
Blooming at sunrise,
Glowing at sunset.

Our Return (thoughts of Him #3)

Bismillah wa salaamunalaikum.

If you don't care to read or don't read long posts (literally seems like a lecture to me now that I've finished typing)... i suggest to just go back to your Facebook... in no intentions do I want you to go cross-eyed from reading this or just hate me for wasting your time. Nope, no hard feelings, simply a friendly warning :)

Alhamdulilah, I can never run away from people who continuously reminds me of Him i came from and to Him i will return. However, today at 7:30am, was a time where life took a pause, needed time to sink what the ears had heard. Those words traveled from the ears down to the heart... not the tangible heart, but the heart that is below the mind as i say "He is the greatest", the heart that is of the same level as the mind when i recited "Praise be to my Great Lord", and the heart that is above the mind when i cry out "Oh our Lord, to You is the praise due".

It was not to who was the person I lost was to me but to who he is to Him. Yes, he was like an uncle to my family and I, and he was a dear friend to many and i mean many, masha'Allah. And today we continuously prayed that he will be among the best of His's believers. Because it is with Him that it matters.

Though we know that this life is temporary, we are still afraid to talk about death. But it is never death as the end of life as we know it that we shouldn't be afraid of, rather it is death as the beginning of life we should look forward to. I would be lying if I said that when this topic comes up I do not get goosebumps or humanly afraid... no, not at all. I do. There's so many things I need to work on as a person still... forget the dreams I want to achieve, that's all in His hand. But is just believing enough? What about the practices based on sunnah-tul-quran and sunnah-tul-nabi? What about the ultimate destination, Jannah al-Firdaus?

I can ramble on and on about religion or my weaknesses... but for all I know, I'm the only one reading this. Hehehe. No problem. "Tempat mengadu selain dpd kpd tuhan" as the malay would say it.

My point is to remind the readers of this blog and ESPECIALLY myself to do everything for the sake of Allah and to constantly thank Him. All the good are from Him and only the good are from Him. And, we do not take anything with us when we are six feet beneath the earth. So when we love for the sake of Allah, we learn to love eternally and unconditionally; when we eat for the sake of Allah, we learn to not to feel gluttonous ; when we earn money for the sake of Allah, we learn to be donate and help more... These are just some that are coming at the top of my head and ones that I definitely need to work on insha'Allah.

So, if you ever notice me forgetting these things, remind me... tears will form in my eyes, trust me... but not at being mad or upset or offended, rather it is because of failing to realize that while I can enjoy taking trips, or chatting, or texting, or eating, I need to constantly remember that doing everything for the sake of Allah so that insha'Allah khair it will make our meeting with Him lighter.

...I too just get too caught up in this worldly worries too much, too often.

It's been awhile since religious talk or religious read made me "come back to reality". But today was definitely a much needed big-fat wake up call for me.


"And he (Sulaiman) said: 'Truly, I love the good things, in order to see the Glory of my Lord.'" (As-Sad, 32)

thoughts of Him #2

ya Rabb, forgive me if I don't thank you enough.
for it is in my weakness to not at all times see the good in the bad,
the amazing in the good,
the beautiful in the ugly,
and the light in the beautiful.
thank you Allah. keep me guided in Your path.


thoughts of Him #1

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful


There is no deity except He, the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. 

Neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him. 

To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth. 

Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission? 

He knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter.

And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills. 

His throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. 

And He is the Most High, the Most Great.

thoughts of you #1

when words appear before the screen,
it's like the whispers of your voice into the ears.
travels down to the heart,
hope it stays there for awhile longer.

A Continous Search

Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim (In His name, Most Gracious, Most Beneficent)

In this never ending search,
I ask for you to take my hand,
To never let go,
To make a promise not to fool me,
For if you ever let go,
I could go on in this never ending search.

In this never ending search,
I ask of you to love me,
To teach me the meaning of Love,
To show me who i strive to be,
For if you one day leave the love,
I could go on in this never ending search.

September 2010- @Bangi, Malaysia


in His name, most Gracious, most Merciful.

upon showered the weaknesses of a person,
let her seek her Sustainer.

upon showered the blessings of life unto a person,
let her give thanks to her Sustainer.

upon showered a trial day by day,
let her be given ease from her Sustainer.

upon showered the strengths of a person,
let her remember her Sustainer.

upon which whatever He has showered a person,
let her always know that her Sustainer is closer to her than her jugular vein.

alhamdulilah, alhamdulilah, alhamdulilah wa la ilaha il Allah. 

culture shock #100 perhaps

i miss the idea of a brotherhood/sisterhood and a community... so much :(

walakin, praise be to Allah for everything!

note to self: please adapt soon to this new chapter of your life... and be thankful always.

Eid ul-fitr prayer, 2009


alhamdulilah. after 10 years of going to the pet store and wishing and hoping to just adopt one, we finally have one to call ours :) how can someone throw such a precious little creature away... we watch her being thrown away at the masjid by the owner and decided to take her home.

blurrryyyy. but's she's a cat.
she doesn't know how to stop and smile for the camera.



In His name, most Gracious, most Merciful.

when will all this phobia of a religion stop?
...and the oneness of a brotherhood start?
who does the First Amendment apply to?
...and shall action be taken now? they want to a small town Muslim's cemetery to be shutdown?
it isn't a religion of colors,
nor of clothing,
neither is it a religion of buildings,
and not of facial hair,
but it is a religion of worshipping.

"Truly to God we belong, and to Him shall we return." (Quran 2:156)


i dare you,
to define love...

no, not those nonsense young love...
but true, unconditional love.
the one that's eternal and everlasting.

have you caught yourself catching the tears from your eyes,
did you find yourself reminded of love every time you do something,
or see someone or touch something?
then now,
i dare you,
to define love...

"cinta itu memberi, cinta itu mendengar, cinta itu berkorban, cinta itu tanggungjawab, cinta itu mendoakan dan cinta itu memaafkan."

weakest of the weak

in His name, most Gracious, most Merciful.

has the worries and wonders of this world gotten the best of her?
will the words of thanks hide itself,
allow not the prayers from the heart to mute,

bring her back to the ultimate goals,
let this all just be stations of this life,
continuing the search for that perfect destination.

let only the greatest of love to touch her,
light for her only the brightest of light towards You,
and feed her only the sweetest of honey.

oh her Sustainer, forgive her for many of her weaknesses, for the most weakest are the ones who strives only to be among the people of Your castle.


"Our Lord!" (they say), "Let nor our hearts deviate now after Thou hast guided us, but grant us mercy from Thine own Presence; for Thou art the Grantor of bounties without measure." (Al-Quran 3:8)


is there such things a perfect timing...
                                           ...or is it just instinct

what i know is that,  i'll continue to search.


Sesungguhnya- Raihan


namun cinta tak kan hadir,
namun rindu tak akan berbunga,

jika tidak mengharap rahmatMu,
jika tidak menagih simpati,

padaMu ya Allah.


brightly above

star shining still after a million years.
reach his naked eyes,
bring about sparkles,
i wonder if i will shine,
in a million years from now.

will he look above,
trace the figure of my body,
or will i have to wait to be discovered.

the discovery of a star,
others will continue to search for,
but i hope he will never forget,
the sparkles i shine,
brightly above.


We converse in my heart.
Is it of my imagination? or is it of my reality?

I heard your voice all the way from Paris,
to Dubai,
then from Italy,
to Rome,
then from San Francisco,
to New York City.

Are you closer? Or does this distance make the heart grows fonder?

Go further if you so wish,
but this dialogue we exchange,
in my heart,
it will stay,
in my heart,
it will repeat,
until the day you are closer,
until this distance is of nonexistence.

"And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation." -Khalil Gibran


Peace be upon you.

I never found the right words to finish this feeling that I was attempting to express. It makes me wonder if it just wasn't meant to be shared. Nonetheless, I will share it. Maybe another reader would be inspired from it. Ma'salaama.

"Crying is a state of the heart"

Walking up the stairs of His house,
My heart trembled.
For there are so many adversities in this world,
To endure with patience.
A strength that is of existence deep in the weak.

Seven bones touched the ground,
Tears quickly fall to the floor.
In silence, my whispers are only between me and Him.
Returning back up...

Eid Mubarak

In His name, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Alhamdulilah, all blessing is due to Him, syawal 1431H was celebrated in my motherland.
The atmosphere was a total culture shock after ten years of celebrating eid in a stranger's land (as the malay say it, raya diperantauan).

There's no doubt that tears flowed at the sound of praising the Almighty at each corner of the House. Heart trembles at His mercy, tears flows with thanks.

One thing I can say is that raya this year definitely did not belong to me or my siblings. The ten years tradition of making kuih, vacuuming the house, waking up early, taking family pictures, greeting people all day, cutting nasi impit, and washing dishes was all different this year.

Instead, syawal 1431H belonged to my parents, syukur alhamdulilah. To see them with their parents, laughing and joking around with their siblings, and catching up with long lost relatives, not a single picture could capture such moments.

ibu & ayah at ayah's parents, Perak

And to all my readers, I would like to wish you a very happy Eid/Raya Aidilfitri :) Sorry, not a lot of pictures this year were taken... too busy catching up with the delicious pastries and food.


Ramadhan Mubarak


would like to wish all the muslims that hit this blog a very ramadhan mubarak.
i wish you all a very blessed month filled with remembrance of Him.
...and of course good food :)
please keep my family, myself, and all the other muslims in your prayers.

due to the crawling internet speed i'm experiencing right now, i will revert all my writing back to paper and pencil. old school never fails i guess. hopefully, i will be able to share them again in no time.

until then.



feelings embedded in the heart,
uncontrollable, undeniable.
where do the weak go,
where do the strong belong.

tears fills in the eyes,
unstoppable, uncontrollable.
where does it flow to,
when will it wash away?

prayers that begins the day,
it ends the day.
control this feeling, stop these tears.
for fill me with only love.

for now.

in His name, most Forgiving, most Merciful.

when i can organize the thoughts in my head into words,
i promise you,
they will appear on the screen before you.

for now,
keep praying, always love.
lose not hope,
and debate not on the decision of the heart.

best told me,
"things happen for a reason"
a reason that may be unknown for now.
one day,
you will look back and smile,
perhaps cry but with a good feeling.

so for now, believe,
that things do happen for a reason.
keep working toward your dream,
with an open eyes,
for the dream will only be seen,
if your eyes are open.

when i can organize the thoughts in my head into words,
i promise you,
they will appear on the screen before you.

-"Open Your Eyes" by Maher Zain

sana halwa

happy birthday, atiqah.

starting today,

-five times a day, prostrate to Him, love Him, seek Him, cry to Him. Life isn't getting any easier the more stronger you strengthen your faith. It's a hardship and it is only so because He loves you like His awliya'. Imam al-Ghazali stated, "If you see Him, Mighty and Magnificent, holding back this world from you, frequently trying you with adversity and tribulation, know that you hold a great status with Him. Know that He is dealing with you as He does with His Awliya' and chosen elitie, and is watching over you." And forget not that, "Verily with hardship comes ease." (94:6)

-be more thankful and grateful for what you have. and help others in need. remember hadith 38 of imam an-nawawi's.

-fear not and stop waiting for other's to love you first. just love for the sake of Allah.

-spend more time at the masjid.

-visit the sick more often.

-share your rezk. food always tasted better after that!

-smile, smile, smile, and smile. it makes you feel better and it makes others feel better.

-learn to cook. people love your mother's cooking, so much. take advantage of learning from her, the best chef in your life.

-seek you father's knowledge and wisdom for it is abundance!

-take more pictures of others and you. one day it'll be a perfect storybook.

-get in touch with all your past teachers. these are the people that made you who you are today.

-keep writing, because that's the only way you know how to express yourself.

-be with around little kids more. not only will your imagination grow, but you will stay away from all the negativity.

-lastly, fall in love. life always seemed a whole lot better when you can share your happiness. after all, sharing is caring.

ya'Allah ya tuhanku. jika aku jatuh cinta, cintakanlah aku pada seseorang yg melabuhkan cintanya pada-Mu agar bertambah kekuatan ku untuk mencintai-Mu. amiin ya rabb al-amin.

vibrantly soft

the sun whispers goodbye for today,
vibrantly yet softly.
watching it fade,
she caught herself thinking,
how vibrant,
yet soft,
is her love for you.

stars slowly shining,
lighting the night sky,
she whispered to the wind,
"blow this love in his direction."
wind passes by,
"one more thing",
she utters from afar.
"send to him one message",
"i love you and i will see you tomorrow."

the wind smiles,
leaving her,
w/ her fingers crossed behind her back.


a few days ago, i found myself writing a few lines on paper.

His mercy is unstoppable,
that of no human being is capable.
counting it only to comes to infinite,
or is it definite.
will His beauty reflect,
until none dares to deflect.

oh my reader

this one is for you,
my reader.

these words will not be of shakespeare's,
but words of my heart.
ones that will speak without hesitations.

how many times a day,
do you, oh my reader,
come across my mind.

will you ever know the secret,
hidden in these words,
appearing on the screen before you.

each thoughts translate itself,
into a million words,
each words convert itself,
into a unmeasurable,
feeling of compassion.


why does this heart feels restless today?

"Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest." (13:28)

a blissful dream

in His name, most Merciful, most Gracious.

when a gush of love suddenly pours out,
and a veiled heart reveals itself,
is it real?
or just a blissful dream?

when patience becomes a trial of the heart,
and strength capable of weakening,
is it boundless?
or just a blissful dream?

when a prayer becomes reality,
and memories growing beyond the eyes,
is it everlasting?
or just a blissful dream?

she seeks for this affection to be real,
to be boundless,
and to be everlasting,
instead of a blissful dream.

"If you do not know the blessings you have when you have them, then Allah will teach you about them by taking them away from you." -Ibn Ata'Allah al-Iskandari

my superhero

you may not be able to fly,
but you drove at the speed of light when breathing became an obstacle.

you may not be able to read minds,
but you knew exactly when i needed your wisdoms and help.

you may not be able to see through walls,
but you knew when i'm shivering cold without a blanket.

you may not be able to climb walls,
but you came running up the stairs at the sound of tears.

you may not be able to obliterate evil,
but you protected me when harm is near.

you may not be able to turn invisible,
but i don't want you to.

you may not be able to run in a flash,
but i need you to stay.

you may not be every child's superhero.
but you are my superhero.

i love you.
and happy father's day.


In His name, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Narrated by Al-Bara'bin Azib:

A mane was reciting Surah al-Kahf and his horse was tired with two ropes beside him. A cloud came down and spread over that man, and it kept on coming closer and closer to him till his horse started jumping (as if afraid of something). When it was morning, the man came to the Prophet, and told him of that experience. The Prophet said, "That was As-Sakina (tranquility) which descended because of (the recitation of) the Qur'an."

[Sahih al-Bukhari 6:61 #531, at-Tirmidhi 2810/A]

creations of the Creator

the moon gleaming bright above,
how far are we really if together,
do we appreciate the beautiful, true wonders of the world.

this field brightly lit by a swamp of fireflies,
drawing closer and closer,
lighting the face of love.

veil your heart from the ill-feeling,
for our time is short.
so, let's travel through each road of this world,
taking different routes with only love,
nothing more,
and nothing less.

"He never changes the condition of people, unless they change what is in their hearts." (13:11)


one country.
one stadium.
one trophy.
one dream of becoming a champion.

time has arrived for nations to unite,
fans to exit the world of differences and join in commonality.
the media to portray an array of excitement,
forgetting the horror that surrounds,
in hopes that nations will truly unite,
through this achievement.

"If we can deliver the World Cup, we will have finally dismissed the idea created by apartheid that there are greater and lesser human beings..." -Danny Jordaan, head of South African's organizing committee

neighboring hostility

Where have the words hidden itself?
Leaving the screen on computer whiter than white.
Has all these feelings trapped within?
Due to all the injustice in this world.
The hatred that world endures left and right.
How much more can these words foresight.
For in the hindsight,
It merely spoke the prayers of the heart,

The realities of it all,
How much more miserable,
Can it be.
Without realizing that neighbors becoming enemies,
At what time were there boundaries,
That separated human in such degrees.

"The believers are a single brotherhood. So make reconciliation (offering peace and agreement) between your two (contending) brothers: And fear Allah, that you may receive (His) Mercy." (49:10)

MWG-i 2010 (new video)

Red-bricked buildings,
Open green fields,
Hugs flew from right to left, top to bottom.
Memories shared from years ago to yesterday.
It separated no one,
Competitive spirits surrounds the atmosphere,
Gathered the old and the young.

Midwest Games-International 2010 hosted by Purdue University.


"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen."

(Elizabeth Kubler-Ross)

insha'Allah khair

In His name, most Gracious, most Merciful.

"And when you have made your resolution, place your trust in Him." (3:109)

The time has come.
For me to open up my heart.
Open up my eyes.
To accept the situations and the best of it.

Give up that dream,
that did not belong.
And hope for another dream,
which will allow for a walk on the vast open sea.

A road that is forever blocked,
for one but not others.
Don't despair and never lose hope.
A clear road is to the right,
so find the strength and courage,
to take that path without fear of being astray.

morning chirps

"I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, 'If you were to rely on Allah as He should be relied on, He would provide for you as He provides for the birds. They go out in the morning hungry and return in the evening full."

-Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra)

eternal bliss

you may not understand.
and i do not ask that you understand.
merely that you listen.

for my words are not that of a poet's.
where do i begin.
from the wishful thinking of being with you,
to the hopeful desire of you expressing your feelings.

these rush of emotions,
for His sake i realize,
that one day it will be.
to make it an eternal bliss.

"If you love someone, love them for the sake of God. That is how your love will last eternally." -Ustaadh Hassan Lacheb

One line

Be mindful of Allah, you will find Him before you.

Get to know Allah in prosperity

and He will know you in adversity.

Know that what has passed you by was not going to befall you

and that what has befallen you was not going to pass you by.

And know that victory comes with patience,

relief with affliction,

and ease with hardship. [Tirmidhi]