Recently, I have been reading a work by Mark Siljander entitled A Deadly Misunderstanding. His work dealt with the misunderstandings about the teaching of Islam. Siljander puts a lot of his efforts in establishing a common ground between Islam and Christianity mainly through the teaching of Jesus (pbuh).
This is book is, masha'Allah, a great reminder for me of the lost understanding of one of the fundamentals of Islam-- that is Islam about spiritual fulfillment, about morals, and about trying to purify ones soul.
Among the many ways to fulfill this fundamental is loving people through asking for Allah's forgiveness and blessings upon them. There is a common saying that we all are very well aware of, love not only thy neighbors, but love also thy enemies.
But what does this mean? After all it is easy for us to love our neighbors, but loving our enemies can probably be one of the toughest thing because of the negative associations that word evoke. As I was reading the Al-Quran after Maghrib prayer tonight, I came across this verse. Insha'allah, this will be a reminder to us all of His mercies and His power.
"It is (in part) by the mercy of Allah that you dealt gently with them. If you were severe or harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about you: So overlook (their faults by pardoning them), and ask for (Allah's) Forgiveness for them; And consult them in affairs (of moment). Then, when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)." (Al-Quran 3:159)
With that said, I've challenge myself to do as been said with the best intention at heart. No time is better than now for such a reminder, especially with the nearing month of Ramadan.
Allah tests us not what we cannot bear in life.
Indeed Allah is most Forgiving, most Merciful.
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