
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "God is beautiful and He loves beauty"

-from Sahih Muslim

I Hope You Dance -- Lee Ann Womack

Growth in Faith.

In the name of God, most Beneficent, most Merciful.

All these posts on religion is my personal attempt of, insha'allah, heightening my iman (faith). I have subscribe to the Shadah by my father when I was born, I subscribe to the Shadah when I pray, but what does this all mean when it is simply said by the mouth and not the heart.

As I learn more, I feel that it is my responsibilities to share what it is that I have learn in the hope that we will all make the attempt of learning more of what we subscribe to daily and not allowing ourselves to think of what we believe as superior, rather search for the truth within the other believes. And of course, allowing ourselves to the possibilities of miracle happening.

When we believe, miracles indeed do happen.

With love wasalam.


Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the New Testament:

Al-Qur'an Chapter 61 Verse 6:

"And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said, 'O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me and giving glad tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmed.' But when he came to them with clear signs, they said, 'This is evident sorcery!' "

All the prophecies mentioned in the Old Testament regarding Muhammad (pbuh) besides applying to the Jews also hold good for the Christians.

1. John chapter 14 verse 16:

"And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever."

2. Gospel of John chapter 15 verse 26:

"But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which
proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me."

3. Gospel of John chapter 16 verse 7:

"Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not
come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you".

"Ahmed" or "Muhammad" meaning "the one who praises" or "the praised one" is almost the translation of the
Greek word Periclytos. In the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, and 16:7. The word 'Comforter' is used in the English translation for the Greek word Paracletos which means advocate or a kind friend rather than a comforter.
Paracletos is the warped reading for Periclytos. Jesus (pbuh) actually prophesised Ahmed by name. Even the
Greek word Paraclete refers to the Prophet (pbuh) who is a mercy for all creatures.

Some Christians say that the Comforter mentioned in these prophecies refers to the Holy Sprit. They fail to realise
that the prophecy clearly says that only if Jesus (pbuh) departs will the Comforter come. The Bible states that the
Holy Spirit was already present on earth before and during the time of Jesus (pbuh), in the womb of Elizabeth, and again when Jesus (pbuh) was being baptised, etc. Hence this prophecy refers to none other than Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh).

4. Gospel of John chapter 16 verse 12-14:

"I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth is
come, he will guide you unto all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me".

The Sprit of Truth, spoken about in this prophecy referes to none other than Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

NOTE: All quotations of the Bible are taken from the King James Version.



In His name, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Recently, I have been reading a work by Mark Siljander entitled A Deadly Misunderstanding. His work dealt with the misunderstandings about the teaching of Islam. Siljander puts a lot of his efforts in establishing a common ground between Islam and Christianity mainly through the teaching of Jesus (pbuh).

This is book is, masha'Allah, a great reminder for me of the lost understanding of one of the fundamentals of Islam-- that is Islam about spiritual fulfillment, about morals, and about trying to purify ones soul.

Among the many ways to fulfill this fundamental is loving people through asking for Allah's forgiveness and blessings upon them. There is a common saying that we all are very well aware of, love not only thy neighbors, but love also thy enemies.

But what does this mean? After all it is easy for us to love our neighbors, but loving our enemies can probably be one of the toughest thing because of the negative associations that word evoke. As I was reading the Al-Quran after Maghrib prayer tonight, I came across this verse. Insha'allah, this will be a reminder to us all of His mercies and His power.

"It is (in part) by the mercy of Allah that you dealt gently with them. If you were severe or harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about you: So overlook (their faults by pardoning them), and ask for (Allah's) Forgiveness for them; And consult them in affairs (of moment). Then, when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)." (Al-Quran 3:159)

With that said, I've challenge myself to do as been said with the best intention at heart. No time is better than now for such a reminder, especially with the nearing month of Ramadan.

Allah tests us not what we cannot bear in life.

Indeed Allah is most Forgiving, most Merciful.


The Seas Not Mingling With One Another


One of the properties of seas that has only recently been discovered is related in a verse of the Quran as follows:

He has let loose the two seas, converging together, with a barrier between them they do not break through. (Quran, 55:19-20)

This property of the seas, that is, that they meet and yet do not intermix, has only very recently been discovered by oceanographers. Because of the physical force called "surface tension," the waters of neighboring seas do not mix. Caused by the difference in the density of their waters, surface tension prevents them from mingling with one another, just as if a thin wall were between them. (1)


A satellite photograph of the Strait of Gibraltar.

It is interesting that, during a period when there was little knowledge of physics, and of surface tension, or oceanography, this truth was revealed in the Quran.

mediterranean sea

There are large waves, strong currents, and tides in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Mediterranean Sea water enters the Atlantic by Gibraltar. But their temperature, salinity, and densities do not change, because of the barrier that separates them.

1. Richard A. Davis, Principles of Oceanography (Don Mills, Ontario: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company), 92-93.


In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Today, you seem closer than ever.
The wind blows your presence.
Birds chirping your songs.
Waves crashes the earth as her heart beat faster.

Driving through the crowded road,
The wind blows your presence even closer.
Rewind and replay those sweet memories.

Walking toward you,
The love that once came spontaneously,
Again made its presence,
Followed by her side.

Lord, she asked.
Do I love him?

And there you stood, right in front of her eyes.

Embracing your presence,
Your absence was nonexistent.

The sun breaks away the clouds,
For the earth now knows,
She loves you.

His Mercy

"And hold fasts, all of you together by the Rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and do not be divided among yourselves (being Muslims); And remember with thanks Allah's favor on you; For you were enemies and He joined your hearts together in love, so that by His Grace you became brethren; And you were on the brink to the Pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make His Signs clear to you: That you may be guided."

(Al-Quran 3.103)