it was 2011

in His name, most Exalting, most Forgiving.
and peace be upon you.

there was a loss of a man,
one that most never knew,
expect through his loud silence,
and cheerful smile.

a spoiled, pampered, loving creature,
said her peace,
left behind five little snowballs.

a blessed, joyous days,
spent exchanging words of forgiveness,
on the computer screen to familiar faces,
so far from touch,
yet, closer to the heart than ever before.

twenty one became an unreserved number.

all happened in such a distant,
lost on how to react.

love became an aura of pleasure,
a desire for more,
and in a ring-shaped item,
with a small and sweet sparkle,
but etched in the heart, forever.

relationships became afar,
only holding on to the unconditionals,
nothing to exchange but prayers and trust.

it was everything but just 2011,
and to make something of 2012.

happy new years. 

IUB, November 2011


in between love, there must be trust,
but sometimes, those two things can break,
two most beautiful parts of life,
love and trust.

Madison, Wisconsin -- Midwest 2011


he is 23 today :)


i asked if i could blow the candles on the birthday cake for him?
for silently, i want to wish that, i get to spend more birthdays with him.
perhaps, just maybe, grow old together.

may He bless him in every step he takes on this Journey,
and stay contented with us and our families.

future husband? yes, please

He finished his prayer and walked over to his wife. He sat down with her and took her hands. He began to read something while he held her fingers. She asked, “What did you do?” He answered, “I finished my prayer and got ready to do tasbih (glorifying God) on your hands so we can share the ajar (reward, and insha'Allah we will be together in paradise too.”

oh my heart...

on you.

make yourself my first,
make yourself my last,
because i won't give up,
even in this silence.

"be patience now on because His tests will be heavier" (ibu)

motivated again!

in His name, most Gracious, most Merciful.

yesterday, as i got distracted in class, a reminder from Him came in this form...

"but here's my kata2-- if you look for something good, you will find it; and if you look for something bad, you will also find it. so set the sail with that first nawaitu. insha'Allah all will be khair regardless of what/when/where/how." (ayah)

and today, just as i was about to take a break, He sent another reminder...

just a sign for me to keep me striving, no matter how difficult it can and will get.
...but i can't help but ponder, could this just be a sign that i almost gave up and gave in?
how can one not be thankful? alhamdulilah, what a good wake up call.