Heart Of Life

Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No, it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good

-Heart of Life (John Mayer)


it takes just one moment.
for your heart to break into million little pieces.
the dream that was only understood by the heart.
though your strength is your weakness,
the time has come,
for you to pick up the pieces,
and glue it back together.

security has given comfort,
stepping out of the wall is impossible.
culture tears people apart,
for it is the differences what they doubted.
overwhelmed by adjusting,
unwillingly rejecting,
for trying is seen as difficult,
but hold on tight.
this ride is going to be bumpy.

"And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colors. Verily in that are Signs for those who know." (30:22)


"A camel is stronger than a man, an elephant is larger, a lion has greater valour, cattle can eat more than man, birds are more virile. Man was made for the purpose of learning." -Imam al- Ghazzali

Simple as that :)

antique picture

Rain swept this hometown.
Heavy with strong winds and scattered thunders.
Temperature soared from high above average to cooling breeze.
Puddles reflected from sunset,
Making this hometown the color of
An antique picture.

Hold my hand,
Walk with me across the puddles.
Let this earth capture our picture,
Forever may this love be the color of
An antique picture.

And it is He who sends down rain after men have lost all hope, and unfolds His grace thereby; for He alone is their Protector, the One to whom all praise is due. (Quran 42:28)

exam, exam, exam


Wishing everyone all the best on their finals & exams.
Bittaufiq wannaja.

رَبِّ زِدْنِي عِـلْمًا
Rabbi Zidni 'ilma
(My Lord! Increase me in knowledge)

the perfection of imperfection

In the name of God, most Gracious, most Merciful.

what is it that we look for in perfection?
sometimes, we search for far away,
too far away,
that we miss the perfection that is in front of our eyes.

define perfection.
For what is perfection in someone if they still make mistakes?
What is perfection in this world,
when some of the branches on the trees lack leaves,
when the drosophila's twin of eyeless gene is mutated,
when the clouds are unevenly scattered throughout the sky.

Maybe it is these imperfections that make everything perfect because no one but He is perfect.

So open your eyes, see the imperfection,
Look not too far away,
For you may miss what is in front of you.
The love, the knowledge, the beauty, the wisdom,
that He has blessed upon you.
Doubt not on His perfection.

"Hidup tidak selalunya indah, langit tidak selalu cerah, suram malam tidak berbintang. Itulah lukisan alam. Begitula aturan Tuhan."


The night is everything but silent.
Mind full of thoughts.
Tears that only scream words that are trapped within the tongue.

The day is everything but bright.
Window is covered by heavy curtains.
Blocking lights from shining in.

The body is everything but calm.
Limbs moving out of rhythm.
Unease by the fast-beating of the heart.

And they ask what does it take to make this night silent, this day bright, and this body calm.

"Go easy on yourself, for the outcome of all affairs is determined by Allah's decree. If something is meant to go elsewhere, it will never come your way, but if it is yours by destiny, from you it cannot flee" -Umar ibn al-Khattab (rA)

He tests us not on what we cannot bare...


"If you see Him, Mighty and Magnificent, holding back this world from you, frequently trying you with adversity and tribulation, know that you hold a great status with Him. Know that He is dealing with you as He does with His Awliya' and chosen elite, and is watching over you."

-Imam al-Ghazali

Love sick

Ever wondered why so many people write about love?
Is it because our life is love? Or is love life?
Did the past shape the future?
Will the future come sooner than later?
Has the writer fallen in love?
Is the writer in love?
Will the writer find love?

What is it that we seek from love?
Is it the smiles that come with tears?
Does the feeling of being faithful brings out the best of us?

Have we gone love sick?
From the distance we feel.
Have we fallen out of love?
From the silence that traps the heart.

Every time I try to write a decent blogs, it turns into something like this... Maybe I just do not have the talent to blog or write in general, but all I know is that for as long as my feelings are trapped, words will overflow into the screen. And I am nothing but the love I can genuinely give.


One Look


In between the pages of her notes, she finds herself gazing up.
The figure was not of her imagination,
She saw...

A face that she realize she has not forgotten.
A smile that she wish was for her.
A laugh that she thought of what she said or did.

All it took was one look. For her to raise her hand and ask Him to bless her with something as beautiful if not that beautiful figure to her eyes.

Oh Lord, hear her out.
Make this differences be something of similarities.
Unite them even if the differences is what is holding them back.

What is this blessing of just writing? Will these words on the screen turn into words from the heart?

"Allah will not take you to task for that which is unintentional in your oaths. But He will take you to task for that which your hearts have garnered." (1:225)

Raas Royalty 2010

In His name, most Loving, most Forgiving.

A couple months ago I was given the opportunity to do what I love to do.
I picked up my camera and began shooting for an event. A solid and legit event.
Below are several pictures that was taken.

For more, visit:


If you are interested in having me shoot for your event, please don't hesitate to contact me. I always love every opportunity I get to do this. Especially with my busy schedule, sometime these events in a way forces me to pick up my camera rather than it be a big, black paper weight.



In His name, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Spring has bloomed.
Or is it summer... I really hope Mr. Weatherman isn't teasing me.
It is the season of picnic on the evergreen lawn.
Playing "baling selipar", ultimate frisbee, and touch football.
From evening until sunset.
Put aside those thoughts that brings sadness,
Step outside and breathe in the blessings He has provided us.

Picnic @ Dunn Meadow

"The shortest distance between a problem and a successful solution is the distance between your head and the floor (prostration). The one who bows down to Allah can stand up to anything." (Imam al-Ghazali)