18years & counting
Your Doubt
Qada' and Qadar
If I Had A Million Dollar...

Dearest mother, dearest father
The Minister of Health opened the 7th Asian Pacific Congress in Hypertension yesterday in KL. In his opening address, he quoted the National Morbidity and Mortality Health Survey 2006, which found the incidence of hypertension among Malaysians 30 years and above to be about 43%, a 10% increase from 1995. He was also quoted as saying that of those on treatment, 26% achieved control, a figure I find had to believe. It may have been a miss quote. In an almost identical UK Health Survey 2006, the incidence of hypertension is about 60%, and about 21-22% are controlled. For those detected, about 40% are on treatment and for those on treatment, about half are controlled. I still have not seen the Malaysian National Morbidity and Mortality Health Survey data in Medical literature, so I do not know if the honorable Minister had been misquoted.
Be that as it may, the important message that I would like to highlight is the Hypertension is a silent and often serious problem. It can be prevented with diet ( less or no salt ), greens and fruits, and control of weight with a BMI of 24 and a waistline of 34inches for males. Exercises also helps. Early detection is vital. All above 40yrs should go for a medical check-up to ascertain your health status. That I think would be reasonable.
Yesterday, today, tomorrow
This was written at 2:30 am on a Friday night. I found the urge to write and as the Malay people say, "melayan fikiran".
Just a heads up-- To me, the beauty of writing is the imperfection that comes with it. So, kindly pardon any grammatical and sentence structure mistakes that you may come across. I title this post "Menunggu" meaning "waiting". I like the way the Malay word sounds. Hehehe.
Reminiscing the smile that strike her eyes.
That night of the full moon.
Patiently, she awaits for his return.
And in pursuit of happiness, she prays.
Kneeling on the prayer mat,
Raising her hand,
She recites to You.
"I seek refuge in you to shelter his safety.
Return to me an answer.
A sign.
That his return is nearby."
Where does she go from here.
During this night of silence.
Enclose in this loneliness.
She compiles together the words of her heart.
Late tonight.
Hoping to ignore how much she yearns for his touch.
Pondering into the night.
As her eyes slowly blinks.
On the verge of dreaming.
She wonders,
Will she still feel his touch when the night falls.
When the moon sets and dawn breaks,
Will she still remember.
The smile that once strike her eyes.
That night of the full moon. (c)atiqahk